The Portuguese Stroke Society organizes, every year, a meeting to health professionals involved in the approach of patients with stroke from the acute phase to rehabilitation. Organized since 13 years ago the event brings together national and international experts in Neurology, Internal Medicine, Intervention Neuroradiology, Cardiology, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, as well as other professionals such as nurses, physiotherapists, cardiopneumologists speech therapists, occupational therapists, among others. The 13th Portuguese Stroke Congress gathered over 900 participants and had 34 Oral Communications, 7 Clinical Cases, 64 Posters, 10 Conferences, 6 Thematic Sessions and 4 Oral Communications Sessions.
SPAVC edited and produced the Official Journal of the Congress distributed on the second day of the event, with the coverage of scientific sessions during the first day and interviews/articles with other experts announcing next days topics. The publication also includes the digital edition uploaded on SPAVC's website and shared through social networks.
You can download the Official Journal of the congress (In Portuguese):
You can download the entire report from the 13th Portuguese Stroke Congress: