Early registration savings are available until August 2, 2022.
We would like to draw your attention that the ICD-11 is now officially in effect as from the turn of the year. The ICD-11 was the result of a massive amount of work that lasted for more than 10 years, reflecting the major progress in medicine
Each year the World Stroke Campaign Awards recognise the commitment, creativity and resourcefulness of our our members when it comes to implementing the World Stroke Organization campaign in their communities around the world.
The annual Board meeting at World Health Organization (WHO) is held in Geneva in January every year, and this is when the member states agree upon the agenda for the World Health Assembly and the resolutions to be considered by the Health Assembly.
We have great news! The abstract submission for WSC 2022 is open. Show us what you’ve got!
Due to a high interest, The Future Stroke Leaders Programme is opening a call for nominations and applications to the WSO leadership development programme (Cohort 2).