The past six months has shown us how fundamental good health and robust public health systems are to us as individuals, to our communities and to our economy. The world has learned what WSO members have always known; when it comes to health, from Wuhan to Wisconsin, we are all connected. We have also learned that our vulnerability to COVID-19 is linked to many risk factors for stroke and has highlighted something else we know; the critical importance of stroke prevention.
We are delighted to announce that World Stroke Da,y on October 29th 2020 will continue to focus on building awareness of stroke risks and prevention. We will be delivering a serious message using a fun online campaign, that aims to raise visibility for stroke, connect people around the world, while encouraging physical activity as a key way to reduce our stroke risk.
In weeks leading up to October 29th, we are calling on our members to Join the MoveMent to prevent stroke by participating in a World Stroke Day Global Dance-Chain. We will continue to highlight the message that 1 in 4 of adults will have a stroke in their lifetime by asking people to:
1 Create a short dance video showing their four best moves
From ballet to Bollywood, from awkward to accomplished we want to see it all!
We are also developing specific step by step video explainers with stroke survivor to help ensure that our campaign includes people of all abilities.
2 Share video in a social media post, tagging four friends, invite them to join the Dance Chain and to help share the message on stroke prevention. We’ve drafted a stroke prevention message that can be copied or adapted – just make sure you mention stroke and use the hashtag #1in4.
3 Next four people in the chain make their own routine starting with the last move from the previous video and share tagging four more friends and challenging them to ‘Join the MoveMent’ and raise awareness of stroke prevention
4 Carry on the fun!
Other ways to support the campaign
To help us literally get things moving it would be fantastic if you could take a few simple steps to help make sure our Global Dance Chain reaches as many people as possible in every part of the world.
1 Update your social media pages and websites with the campaign assets and a lnk to the World Stroke Day Campaign page- you can find the banners on the World Stroke Campaign Facebook page or on our website
2 Record your own dance routine – share the preview with us and we can use it in our campaign promotional video.
3 Reach out to high profile contacts in the community, media, sport, politics, business, arts and social media ambassadors.
4 Follow and share @WStrokeCampaign tweets and World Stroke Campaign Facebook posts on organizational and personal accounts.