The Global Stroke Alliance Meeting in Rio de Janeiro, spearheaded by WSO Vice President Sheila Martins aims to mobilise the global stroke community to develop and implement strategies that will improve stroke care globally. The meeting will disseminate key strategies for undimplementation of evidence-based stroke interventions across the continuum of prevention, treatment and rehabilitation.
The aim of the Global Stroke Alliance said Sheila Martins is to 'take forward the mission of the World Stroke Organization, by bringing together everyone that is working on strategies to improve stroke care around the world. The intiative will bring together knowledge leaders from several countries, all of whom can contribute expertise and experience in delivering policy, developing stroke systems of care, undertaking stroke research, managing health services, or indeed living with stroke. There will also be opportnities to learn from industry initiatives including presentations from institutions that have participated in Boehringer Ingelheim's Angels initiative. We really want to build on the experiences and lessons learned from across the whole stroke system.'
Interactive sessions, incluidng practical workshops, teaching courses, international research workshops and a plenary scientific session highlighting the latest clinical advances in stroke are designed to support the development of regional stroke action plans.
Progress against the priorities agreed at the Latin American Ministerial Stroke Meeting in Gramado, will be discussed at the II Latin American Stroke Ministerial Meeting, which is taking place under the auspices of the Alliance meeting. March 13 will see the launch of Brazil's implementation of the WSO 'Cut Stroke in Half' initiative in a partnership with the Ministry of Health of Brazil and Hospital Moinhos de Vento.
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