We are inviting neurologists around the world to collaborate in the IMPROVE (International Multicenter Patent foRamen OVale & strokE) Registry. IMPROVE is an observational, multicenter, international cohort study based on a registry of men and women ≥18 years of age with ischemic stroke or TIA and a diagnosis of PFO, regardless of whether the PFO is closed. We are including patients on medical treatment (antithrombotics) or who undergo closure for secondary stroke prevention.
Currently, the registry has enrolled 1,200 patients at 49 active sites from 21 countries in North and South America, Asia, and Europe. Patients can be included either retrospectively, prospectively, or both. If you already have a dataset or local registry, this may be a great opportunity for academic collaboration.
IMPROVE Registry will provide important information about the management and related outcomes of patients with ischemic stroke or TIA and a diagnosis of PFO in different regions of the world and across a wide spectrum of healthcare systems. These real-world data will help address some important questions that remain unanswered despite the results of recent randomized controlled trials.
If interested, please contact Ms. Justina Legaspe at the Heart & Brain Lab, Western University, London, ON, Canada: HBLab@lhsc.on.ca