We are happy to share with you the news that Bo Norrving was elected as a new member of the NCD Alliance board of directors at their General Assembly on May 19th2021, for a two-year term. Bo Norrving was nominated for the board by the WSO.
In his position statement, Bo Norrving wrote:
“I have a long-standing interest in NCDs going back to more than two decades ago when epidemiologists and the WHO started to recognise the growing importance of NCDs on public health. Coming from the stroke field, I soon understood that collaboration and joining forces with other NCD NGOs were key to make any substantial impact. My position as President of the World Stroke Organization (WSO) from 2008 to 2012 coincided with the global recognition of the emerging threat of the NCDs, the birth of the NCD Alliance, and the lead-up phase to the historic UN General Assembly in 2011. During my term, I formed many liaisons with other NCD NGOs, worked closely with the WHO, and established a broad network of contacts. I have continued in such functions also after my term as President. During recent years I have become increasingly involved with the NCD Alliance and I would like to deepen this involvement through a board position. I am passionate to work for the NCD case, and a position in the NCDA Board of Directors would be a privileged opportunity for me to serve in an organisation that plays a major role in influencing global health now and in the future”.
This is the first time that stroke is represented in the NCD Alliance board. We are pleased to have Bo Norrving, with his long experience in advocacy and policy settings for stroke, as our WSO representative in this important position.