Dear WSO Friends,
WSO membership connects you to a diverse but united community of individuals and organizations, committed to action on stroke prevention, treatment and support. We work with our members to strengthen the stroke community and to amplify the voice of our members.
As a WSO member you may select to have a special joint membership with one of our partners ESO or AHA, for a reduced annual fee and receive the benefits below:

WSO-ESO membership benefits:
- Subscription to the European Stroke Journal
- Access to ESO online educational material
- Apply for ESO programmes (Department-to-Department Visiting Programme, Stroke Summer Shcool, etc.)
- Possibility to work on ESO committees
- Member exchange and networking opportunities
- Voting rights at the ESO General Assembly
- Monthly Newsletter
- Reduced registration fees for ESOC
- Fee reductions for ESO meetings
- Special mailings
Find out more about European Stroke Organisation's benefits HERE >>

WSO-AHA General Professional membership benefits:
- Affiliate with one of AHA's 16 Scientific Councils
- Discounted article publication charges for accepted articles in JAHA. Partners save $700 with discount code
- Online or print AHA scientific journals
- Complimentary and/or discounted courses through the Lifelong Learning Center
- Networking with like-minded professionals
- Access to Science News
- Eligible for AHA council grants and awards
- Quarterly AHA Connections Newsletter
- Inclusion/access to the online AHA Professional Partner Account Directory
Find out more about American Heart Association's benefits HERE>>
When renewing choose your membership category and then tick a box to select ESO and/or AHA joint membership.
If you have any questions about your membership renewal or membership in general, please do not hesitate to contact WSO Membership Services. If you want to learn more about membership at WSO, please visit the membership pages on the WSO website.
To renew your membership today follow the LINK>>