M. Brainin and M. Grupper attended the Global NCDA Forum 2020 which was held in Sharjah, UAE in February. The theme for the 3rd NCD forum was Bridging the Gap.
The Forum was attended by 400 delegates from 40 different countries including representatives of approx. 100 national and regional NCD Alliances and 40+ youth leaders and People Living with NCDs. It offered a unique opportunity for NCD civil society globally to unite and mobilise for stronger action on NCDs. The program was a mix of plenaries and interactive workshops.
Several new reports and projects were launched at the Forum such as the:
- NCD Atlas: The Atlas presents the result of an online survey and offering a snapshot of the current status and growth of NCD Alliances around the world. It also assesses alliances’ views and perspectives on the enablers and barriers for governments and civil society to achieve global NCD targets, as well as their key priorities and recommendations to bridge the gap on NCDs.
- WHO NCD Progress Monitor 2020: The report, which looks at countries’ progress towards a set of NCD indicators, highlighted that only 40 out of more than 190 countries are on track to meet SDG target 3.4 - to reduce premature mortality from NCDs by one-third by 2030. WHO has put in place an action plan for the coming years, including specific initiatives for governments as to how to accelerate progress towards SDG 3.4. WSO will also give technical assistance to LMIC countries to strengthen their national capacities to strengthen the progress.
- BBC Story works: This is a new series of short documentaries titled 'Turning the Tide', They aim to give a voice to those shouldering the global burden of NCDs. It examines the much-needed work of institutions and communities across the globe, which seek to make prevention and control a priority. WSO contributed with a video within the series which you can view here - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BzJb0vhlvD8
M. Brainin participated in a workshop “Building coalitions and social movements to address NCD multi-morbidities. His presentation focused on the potential of collaboration between the stroke and broader NCD community to address co-morbidities including mental health and neurological disorders and drawing upon the WSO experience.