The certification of stroke centers is critical to ensure that hospitals implement and monitor all priority strategies that change the natural history of stroke, reducing mortality and disability. It is a great opportunity for continuous improvement of services and qualification of comprehensive care in the region. The certification is a priority step to guide the national stroke care by evidence-based pathways.
On October 22nd 2020 we started a hard work to develop a completely new program of certification – the World Stroke Organization / IberoAmerican Stroke Society Certification of Stroke Centers. The program is based on the WSO Roadmap for Quality of Stroke Services, The roadmap is an implementation resource that provides the framework for the implementation, monitoring and evaluation of stroke services globally. It provides standardization and consistency for the selection of evidence-based recommendations, approaches to implementations in clinical practice to create an environment of continuous quality improvement.
The certification bases were structured by experienced WSO and SIECV members working in collaboration with the Society of Vascular and Interventional Neurology / Mission Thrombectomy and together with country Medical Societies and Health Managers (Ministries of Health/ Health Secretaries). Committees were created in 11 Latin America countries (Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Mexico, Uruguay) that will be supported by an international team of stroke experts, currently with 80 people working on the implementation of the program.
The process for certification step by step:
1. Self- Assessment tool – to facilitate the evaluation of the status of hospitals and the needs for improvement before to apply for certification
2. Application for Certification in the web platform: all mandatory items are considered minimal requirements for classification to each category (hospitals will be classified as Essential and Advanced). Beyond the mandatory requirements, hospitals will need to reach at least 75% of recommended elements to get the Certification.
3.If the system confirm the criteria for certification will be scheduled an onsite visit by a stroke physician and a stroke nurse.
4.The stroke team should be certified for stroke care. The Angels Initiative educational tools and The Stroke Centers Course from Medtronic Academy are good quality tools that can be used for education of the stroke team.
5.Specific WSO educational course will be available in the WSA Website in Spanish and Portuguese.
6.After the onsite visit a board review will confirm the final certification.
The Certification Program has no costs to the hospitals – public or private. We believe that the certification will increase the quality of stroke care in the region improving the long-term outcomes of stroke patients and we want to guarantee to all stroke centers the opportunity to participate and to improve to be certified.
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