The Global Impact of COVID-19 on Stroke
A more extensive survey of WSO members was conducted from mid to late April to gauge the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on inpatient and outpatient activities. 117 responses were obtained. Regarding inpatient admissions, most centers reported a decrease that ranged from 8% to 90% with a mean decrease of approximately 40%. 15% of centers reported no change in admissions from the same period in 2019. Regarding outpatient clinics, 7 of 112 (6%) responders reported no change in the number of in person clinic visits. Most clinics had switched to telemedicine visits, either by video or by telephone. Approximately 15% of the respondents reported that clinics had been cancelled or postponed. The respondents were asked if any members of their team had become infected with COVID-19 and 17% reported that at least one member had. The effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on stroke patient care appears to be temporary because in China where the infection initially was reported, centers report and rapid return of stroke patient admissions to levels approximating historically normal levels.