The WSO BEAT (Brain & hEart globAl iniTiative) is a program to develop worldwide Neurocardiology collaborations. It seeks to develop clinical and academic partnerships between stroke physicians and cardiologists in low- and middle-income countries and specific flagship sites in high-income countries under the guidance of the WSO. The WSO BEAT program was launched on September 1st, 2021 and will conclude by the end of June.
Neurocardiology Interviews
Two Neurocardiology Interviews were recorded in collaboration with the Stroke Council of the European Society of cardiology. Both interviews have been posted on the website of the European Society of Cardiology:
● The role of the cardiologist in the Stroke unit
Heart & Brain Session at the AHA Scientific Sessions 2022
The WSO Brain & Heart Task Force has organized a Brain & Heart Session that will be featured at the AHA Scientific Sessions 2022. The contents will be announced in due time, when the official program becomes available.