The Global Alliance of Independent Networks (GAINS) was created to facilitate, strengthen, and nurture stroke trial networks and stroke trials worldwide. Various governments have funded multiple stroke trial networks over the past ten years, and participants and leaders from these networks have been meeting to facilitate communication, best practices, funding opportunities, and educational efforts. The ultimate purpose of GAINS is to accelerate the pace and success of stroke clinical trials by enhancing communication between leaders and participants of funded and developing national stroke trial networks.
In keeping with that mission, GAINS will be facilitating a virtual Global Trials Forum on 26-April 2024, 8:30 am - 10 am ET. We are asking you to please probe your networks and reach out to PIs who need assistance with or are planning a stroke clinical trial that may benefit from this Forum. Please send us the names of these PIs at your earliest convenience, but no later than 25-March 2024, along with a brief summary of the trial. We are looking for two to three trials for the spring forum.
The goal(s) of presenting a trial design at this Forum for the PI could be:
To identify countries/networks that are a good fit to participate in the proposed trial. The trial may require additional country participation to achieve patient recruitment in the expected timeframe.
To provide the PI with feedback regarding the trial design/feasibility that may aid the PI in refining the protocol.
To Identify similar/overlapping trials thus ensuring cooperation/compatibility of design to facilitate the pooling of data later.
If you would like to present your new or developing clinical trial in April, wish to attend the Global Trial Forum, or be added to the distribution for future Forums, please email Rose Beckmann at
For more information about GAINS, please visit