Gisele Sampaio Silva is a neurologist, specialist in Stroke, Neurocritical care and public health. Currently Gisele works in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Using knowledge from her areas of expertise, she develops projects that include access to acute stroke treatment in developing country and treatment of critical neurological diseases.
Realizing the dichotomy between healthcare in public and private services in her country, Gisele has always been interested in working to provide equity of access to stroke treatment for lower income populations. Gisele has worked as an Associate Professor in an acute stroke service at a Brazilian Public University (UNIFESP) since returning from her training in Boston, Massachusetts, as well as was the coordinator of a private stroke service that was the first internationally certified Primary Stroke Center in Brazil ( Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein).
Always involved with the implementation of stroke services in her country, Gisele was the president of the Brazilian society of cerebrovascular diseases (SBDCV) from 2014-2016 and is currently the president of the Brazilian Association of Neurocritical care. As part of SBDCV, she was involved in the fight for several important milestones for stroke treatment in Brazil.
Gisele has a strong research collaboration with Brazilian and international researchers. She is currently the scientific director of Rede Brasil AVC, a non-governmental organization created to improve global stroke patient care throughout the country. She recently participated in the RESILIENT trial executive committee, which was co-chaired by Dr. Sheila Martins and Dr Raul Nogueira, the first mechanical thrombectomy trial to demonstrate the effect of this treatment on the environment of a developing country. Gisele is also on the board of directors of the Neurocrtical care Society.
Since she was elected to the WSO Board in 2018, she has been working in collaboration with Dr Bruce Campbell at the YSP Committee, focusing on engaging young professionals to become involved with the WSO and its governance. Gisele has a high expectation that being at the WSO board will allow her to further collaborate in improving stroke care worldwide, especially in developing countries such as Brazil.