Seychelles Stroke Foundation
Registered in 2018, the Seychelles Stroke Foundation was set up in the memory of Pierre Rufin Woodcock who died following a stroke in 2015. The purpose of the Foundation is to work with stroke survivors, carers, health professionals, the Government and general public to reduce the impact of stroke on the Seychelles community. The Foundation will focus on raising awareness about risk factors and that stroke is treatable. It will educate professionals and non-professionals on how to recognize the signs of stroke and action to take. The Foundation will also promote the need for early treatment and rehabilitation. Workshops have been delivered in collaboration with the Ministry of Health for medical doctors, nurses, paramedics and Seychelles Stroke Foundation volunteers. These workshops aim to educate professionals and non- professionals on stroke recognition, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation. WSO welcomes the Seychelles Stroke Foundation as a new stroke support organisation member in 2019.