Only a few days ago the World Health Organsiation General Assembly approved and adopted a milestone document aimed at improvement of neurological morbidity world-wide. The World Stroke Organization has warmly welcomed the adoption of this global effort to reduce the burden of neurological disease through the formal adoption of the Intersectoral Global Action Plan (GAP) on Epilepsy and Other Neurological Disorders, announced at this week’s 75th World Health Assembly.
The GAP will address worldwide challenges and gaps in providing care and services and WSO will work with our partners in the One Neurology network to ensure a comprehensive, coordinated response to achieve the following global targets:
- To raise the prioritization of, and strengthen governance for neurological disorders
- To provide effective, timely and responsive diagnosis, treatment, and care for all patients
- To implement strategies for promotion and prevention of neurological disorders
- To foster research and innovation into, and strengthen information systems, for neurological disorders
- To strengthen the public health approach to epilepsy
WSO Global Policy Committee Member and NCD Board Member Prof Bo Norrving said 'Over the past 30 years, the number of deaths due to neurological disorders has increased by almost 40%. Stroke remains the single largest contributor of DALYs across all neurological disorders (42%) and contributes significantly to the increased prevalence of both dementia and epilepsy. The Intersectoral Global Action Plan is a valuable landmark document that recognizes the need to address brain health, prevention of neurological diseases and improvement of neurological services globally. The potential to better prevent and treat stroke is enormous.'
Also welcoming the GAP, Global Policy Committee co-Chair Prof Michael Brainin who was involved in the development of the GAP said ‘Now that the GAP has been adopted and governments have committed to prioritise neurology and the dedicated resources provided, there is a unique opportunity for WSO to work together with colleagues in the neurology community and members of the ONE neurology partnership on implementation. WSO stands ready now to work alongside the World Health Organization, member states, and all stakeholders on this, so that the urgent neurological needs of patients are met.'
“The GAP will deal with a wide range of conditions integral to patient support, advocacy, research and educational activities of WSO”, says Prof. Valery Feigin, co-chair of the Global Policy Committee of the WSO. It covers all ages, including children and young adults, and addresses palliative care and neurorehabilitation. As such, the GAP has the potential to directly benefit stroke patients, among those affected by more than 400 other neurological diseases: improving the public health outcomes for a vast array of conditions of the central and peripheral nervous system connected to the brain.
Visit the WHO website to view the full draft plan
Data source
Global, regional, and national burden of neurological disorders, 1990–2016: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2016 Feigin, Valery L et al. The Lancet Neurology, Volume 18, Issue 5, 459 – 480