My term as president of the WSO started on October 28 2022 during the World Stroke Congress in Singapore. It will be an honor to lead this important organization with the possibility to change millions of lives working with our partners worldwide.
As the first President from a Middle Income Country, that represents 80% of the world population and has huge economical and social disparities, with poor people and low resources for health, I can understand very well the needs and the gaps in LMIC. I have a large experience in building stroke systems of care in underserved areas in several countries in the world, and I am sure that, together, we can overcome the gaps and implement effective stroke programs globally, working with governments and specialists. Also, as the first woman president, I want to give more opportunities for female talents, already started as 50% of our executive board for the first time is composed by women.
The plans for my 2 years Presidency are to continue the programs already in progress and to accelerate the implementation of evidence-based stroke care in all levels of continuum of care through the Implementation Task Force for prevention, acute care and rehabilitation, launched at the World Stroke Congress in Singapore with more than 100 volunteers from the 5 continents. We hope that this initiative will at least three-fold increase the number of stroke centers in the world in 4 years and at least two-fold increase the number of countries with stroke units and reperfusion therapy implemented, increasing also the number of countries with national stroke plans. Know more and join us in the Implementation Task Force. Together we can make a huge difference in the world.