According to the by-laws, half of the board of directors shall be representing individuals and the other half - Scientific or Stroke Support Organizations from across the world.
All paid individual members of WSO, have the right to nominate a maximum of 2 candidates for the WSO Board of Directors 2022-2026 and the society members of WSO are encouraged to nominate one representative for their organization to the WSO board.
If you would like to submit a nomination, please fill in the nomination form below. Nominations will be received by 9 April 2022.
We kindly remind you that you must have paid your 2022 WSO (individual/society) membership dues in order to have nomination and election rights. If you have not yet renewed the membership, please click here.
Selected candidates will be evaluated and contacted in April 2022 and the online election process will take place in May/June. The announcement with details will follow closer to the date.
Together we can reduce the global burden of Stroke!
If you have any questions regarding the elections, please contact the WSO Secretariat at: