On February 21, 2019 the President of the World Stroke Organization (WSO) Michael Brainin and the Health Minister of Romania, Dr. Sorina Pintea, signed a memorandum of understanding to continue a collaboration with the WSO and the Romanian Neurological Society to improve stroke care in the country. Starting March 2019, the existing 10 stroke units shall be increased to 48 thus covering the emergency and stroke treatment for up to 80% of the population. The training of personnel shall be intensified and also include the therapy options for thrombectomy. Under the guidance of the WSO, the quantity and quality of stroke care shall be continued.
The document was signed by the Minister and the President of the WSO during their visit to the University of Cluj-Napoca on February 21 at the invitation of the Past-President of the Romanian Society of Neurology, Prof. Dafin Muresanu.