This newsletter we’d like to highlight a few of the current WSO Research Committee Activities.
1. Endorsement of research activities: We review and if appropriate, endorse research activities that meet the goals of the WSO. If you’re a WSO member interested in seeking endorsement for your research project or activity you can apply here:
2. In 2021 the WSO will start offering a new funding program for up to three pilot research projects. Researchers can receive up to 20,000 USD for seed funding of their projects in the next year. Watch out on the WSO homepage for a more detailed description on the application process in the near future.
3. The highly successful Virtual Early Career Development Workshop run in collaboration between ESO, WSO and GAINS will run again in 2021. If you haven’t attended one of these workshops before, please SAVE THE DATE. Registration information will come out later in the year.
4. The Research Committee as seeking expression of interest to be mentors for the Virtual Early Career Development Workshop to be held in December this year. If you are interested in coming along to lead conversations with early career researchers about developing a research career, or you’re willing to listed to them present their research idea and offer constructive feedback – we’d like to hear from you. Please send an email to to express your interest and we’ll be in touch.