Informal caregivers in stroke: life impact, support and psychological well-being - a Swedish Stroke Register (Riksstroke) study
In 2016, the Swedish Stroke Register, Riksstroke, conducted a long-term follow-up survey on caregivers to patients with stroke three and five years earlier. Items on psychological well- being were adapted from the 36-item short-form health survey (SF-36) and poor outcome was defined using the SF-36 reference material. Survivor degree of dependency was indicated by the caregiver as independent, partially dependent or completely dependent.
The caregiver situation varies greatly with degree of survivor dependency which makes generalizations of caregiver needs difficult. Carmen Lahiff-Jenkins, Managing Editor of the International Journal of Stroke discussed the results of this investigation with Dr Stefan Sennfalt who emphasized the need for integrating support aimed specifically at caregivers to survivors of stroke with a large degree of dependency.
The International Journal of Stroke is the flagship publication of the World Stroke Organisation. Please consider becoming a member. World Stroke Organization
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