European Life after Stroke Forum 2023
10.03.23 - Barcelona, Spain
10.03.23 - Barcelona, Spain
The first in-person European Life After Stroke Forum, which will be held in Barcelona on Friday 10 March 2023.
The Stroke Alliance for Europe set up the European Life After Stroke Forum in 2019 as a vehicle to raise the profile and interest in life after stroke care and support, to give it equal status with acute care and rehabilitation.
The reality supports this focus. Stroke survivors often feel abandoned – even though stroke is the biggest cause of adult disability in Europe and can affect all aspects of day-to-day life. There are nine million people living with stroke in Europe and this figure is predicted to increase to 12 million by 2040, causing an ever-increasing burden on health and social care.
Life after stroke is recognised as a key area in the Stroke Action Plan for Europe. Now is the time to focus efforts on this neglected area. The European Life After Stroke Forum will help to achieve this. The Forum is an opportunity to build interest, evidence and research in the life after stroke area of care bringing together all those interested in this field, whether researchers, scientists, medical professionals, health policymakers, advocacy, or support groups, stroke survivors and their carers to share knowledge, network, stimulate debate and improve life after stroke.
Hotel Catalonia,
Plaza Espanya,