Biniyam Ayele | World Stroke Organization
Biniyam Ayele

Biniyam Ayele

Assistant Professor of Neurology

Member Bio

Biniyam A. Ayele is currently working at Department of Neurology, College of Health Sciences Addis Ababa University with the rank of Assistant professor of Neurology. He is currently actively engaged in teaching undergraduate and graduate students, clinical activities, and research activities since he completed his neurology residency training on January 31 2017. In addition, he is also neurology department undergraduate coordinator, which he is efficiently and effectively executing till now and for the future too. He is also a junior research fellow of Medical Education Partnership Initiative (MEPI). 

Dr Biniyam is one of the few, enthusiastic young neurologists whose future endeavours are improving stroke care in Ethiopia. Currently, he is the primary investigator of a novel project which aimed to improve the quality of stroke care in Ethiopia via improvement of stroke care infrastructure and research. To this end, he already prepared a grant proposal to be submitted to WFN and WSO to financially support the establishment of stroke unit and stroke registry at Tikur Anbessa Specialized Hospital in Addis Ababa. He also co-authored an article recently published on International Stroke Journal regarding a concept note of the establishment of African Stroke Organization, an organization which will guide and lead stroke-related activities in Africa. 

Dr Biniyam is one of an active young faculty in terms of participation on international neurology conferences including local, regional and international, and obtain a certificate of participation. A few of these includes his participation on “2nd MENA-SINO, Interventional Neurology Organization Congress and stroke medicine, Cairo, Egypt, May 2017. In addition, he is actively involved in facility and field-based research in areas of clinical neurology. This is supported by the fact that his publication history. Until now he published three original articles, ten case reports, and two newsletters on local and international reputable journals. In addition, Dr Biniyam also serves as a guest reviewer for two local medical journals. Dr Biniyam was also able to secure multiple travel, fellowship, and course grants. 

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