-Neurologist doctor
-PhD student in Translational Medicine and Clinical Research, University of Algarve, Portugal, Schlumberger Foundation Scholarship, (1 year).
-Master's student in Public Health, UEM.
-From 2014-2017 she was a doctor at the National Blood Service;
-From 2017 to 2018 she was General Research Coordinator, Doctors Without Borders
Mozambique (Switzerland) – MSF;
-Founding member and steering committee of the African Stroke Association (ASO).
- Update Course on Cysticercosis and Neurocysticercosis – 1st to 3rd September, 2009; - Fourth
International Workshop on treatment, pathogenesis and prevention in resource-limited countries -
25 to 28 May, 2010;
- Tutor Training Course/ Problem-based learning– 26 to 27 March, 2011; - Training Course /
Update on Maternal and Neonatal Health, and SR/CACUM/PF – 2 to 13 June, 2014;
- Internship training in Blood Services, assistance to the donor of unfit blood and diagnostic (at
Centers of Blood and Transplantation of Porto and Coimbra of the Portuguese Institute of Blood
and Transplantation, IP – Portugal) – 5 January, 2015 to 31 March 2015;
- Workshop on Clinical Management of Diabetes and Hypertension; - Training in Child Nutrition
(by Nestlé);
- Basic Training in Abdominal and Cardiac Ultrasound;
- Test and start training – ART/ National Health System; - Good blood practice training. -Training in
medical care of drug users (MSF and UNIDOS);
-ARELP Congress 2017 – Mozambique;
-How to analyze and write a research article course, July 2017;
-MSF’s training of trainers;
-Analysis & Advocacy workshop, February 2018;
- HIV modular training: Epidemiology, virology and diagnosis of HIV infection, Aid for AIDS; -Good
clinical practice in research, National Institute of Health, Mozambique, 2018;
-Mozambican National Institute of Health congress, participation and drug resistance TB study
oral presentation;
-Neurology regional training course, African Academy of Neurology, Accra, Ghana, 2019;
- HCM Scientific Conferences, Maputo, 2019; - 11th Portuguese Meeting of Stroke Units, 2020,
virtual edition;
- Emergency neurological life support course, Neurocritical Care Society. 2020; - Acute stroke
treatment course, 2020;
- Learning day, stoke a treatable and preventable disease, 2020; - Master in Public Health, UEM, in
- African stroke leaders' summit on operationalizing a roadmap for reducing the burden of stroke
in Africa, held at center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation, University of Ibadan, Nigeria, on the
22nd & 23rd June, 2022. AFRICA – UK STROKE PARTNERSHIP PROJECT (online).
- Doctoral student in Clinical Investigation and Translational Medicine, Faculdade de Medicine and
Biomedical Sciences of the University of Algarve- Portugal, in the second year. - Update course on
movement disorders, MDS, WFN/ AFAN, 3rd edition, 3 of September 2022.
- Clinical internship in general neurology and stroke unit, Algarve Hospitalar Center, University of
Algarve, Portugal (May - November 2022).
- Basic course in clinical research, Neurological Campus (CNS), Torres Vedras, from 30 September -
October 1, 2022.
-Specialized internship in stroke medicine, from November 2022 to February 2022- 2023,
University Hospital Center of Badajoz, Extremadura, Spain. - European Stroke Organization
Conference, Munich, 2023.
- Clinical research project management course, Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, 2023.
- Genetics and Stroke Course 2022 SPAVC, Portugal.
- Movement Disorders Training, Movement Disorders Society (MDS), 2022, online.
- Specialty in Neurology, College of Neurology of Mozambique, 2023.
- Project management course, Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, September 4th to 19th, 2023.
-Treatment outcomes of patients switching from an injectable drug to bedaquiline during short
standardized treatment for multidrug-resistant tuberculosis in Mozambique, brief report at
Clinical Infectious Diseases Journal, Oxford University, 2019, as a co-author;
-High level of HIV-1 drug resistance pre-treatment and with first line ART failure in Mozambique,
Operational research day MSF, 2019, as a co-author;
-Levels of pre-treatment HIV drug resistance in rural and urban settings, Mozambique,
F1000Research, as a co-author;
- Treatment outcomes of short standardized treatment for multidrug-resistant tuberculosis at
Mozambique, National Health Institute scientific journey, as author, 2018;
- Results of integration and prevention of hepatitis B mother to child transmission into the
Chamanculo maternity program in Maputo, National Health Institute scientific journey, as
co-author, 2018;
-Prevalence of stroke in the Maputo Central Hospital, a retrospective and prospective study,
Maputo Central Hospital scientific journey, as co-author, 2019;
-Meningovascular syphilis case report presented as a poster, HCM Scientific Journeys, as author,
- Acoustic neuroma in a patient with neurofibromatosis type I, case report case presented as a
poster, HCM Scientific Journeys, as author, 2019;
- Conceptual Framework for Establishing the African Stroke Organization, International Journal of
Stroke, 2019, as a co-author.
- Field coordinator and co-investigator (proposal) in the African project of genetic evaluation of
Alzheimer's disease.
- Posterior cerebral artery aneurysm - the diagnosis in countries with little resource, the role of
clinical history and neurological examination, presented as a poster at the Scientific Days of the
Hospital Central de Maputo (HCM) Mozambique, 13th of July 2022, as lead author, Best Poster
Honor Award.
-Predictors of in-hospital mortality after stroke at the Central Hospital of Maputo, Mozambique: a
cross-sectional study, presented as poster at European Stroke Organization conference, 2023
Munich P0461, published on SAGE Journals number 948, as lead author.
-Project to create and implement Stroke Units, first Stroke Unit in Mozambique, Maputo Private
Hospital, Lenmed Group, Lenmed Group Conference, October 20, 2023, Maputo, Mozambique,
oral presentation.
-Woman in science, project to open a stroke unit, experience from Mozambique, Publicação internacional, apresentação oral e poster, Schlumberger Foundation and SLB, março de 2024, Kampala.
-Possible role of mycotoxins, malnutrition and MECP2 dysregulation in nodding syndrome, Journal of Neurological Sciences, 15 November 2024, 123261, as author, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jns.2024.123261