United in Action to Transform Stroke Care
06 May 2024WSO to launch access to acute stroke care policy brief during World Health Assembly
WSO to launch access to acute stroke care policy brief during World Health Assembly
WSO policy launch May 2024
On May 27th WSO will launch Driving the Revolution in Stroke Care, at a panel event in Geneva. Developed with support from Philips, the policy paper will highlight the opportunity to acclerate progress on global health and development targets by investing in improved access to acute stroke care treatments. Drawing on data from the WSO-Lancet Neurology Commission report and patient outcome and cost effectiveness mechanical thrombectomy trial data, the policy paper will present a series of evidence-based recommendations to Ministries of Health.
At the launch event Prof Bo Norrving, a stalwart of WSO's Global Policy Committee with a strong background as a techical advisor to WHO, will moderate a panel discussion with input from patients and expert thought leaders from the fields of policy, clinical practice and industry.
Event registration is now open and all those with a stroke policy interest attending WHA77 are welcome to join. We strongly encourage all WSO members to contact your Ministries of Health and encourage them to send a representative from their WHA mission in Geneva.
We have drafted a template message to support stakeholder outreach to national ministries of health. Please reach out to encourage government representation at this important event.